Lhogho supports two types of numerical atoms - integer atoms and floating-point atoms.
Integer atoms contain 64-bit integer values. Use IS_INTEGER() macro to check whether the atom is integer. The smallest integer which can be stored in this atom is -9223372036854775808 (approx. -9*1018). The biggest one is 9223372036854775807 (approx. 9*1018).
The number in an integer atom can be accessed with the INTEGER() macro.
Floating-point atoms contain 64-bit floating-point values. Use IS_FLOAT() macro to check whether the atom is float-point. The smallest positive floating-point value which can be stored in this atom is -2.2250738585072014*10308. The biggest positive one is 1.7976931348623157*10308.
The number in a floating-point atom can be accessed with the FLOAT() macro.