Lhogho  0.0.027

Options module contains defines for various compiler options.

Options have short and long versions. The table below describes what options are supported. Options starting with Z are system options - they are intended for debugging purposes.

Short Long Description
-h --help Prints a help message about supported options and exits ignoring all other options.
-x --executable Creates executable file that can be run standalone.
-ci --case-insensitive Compare words case insensitive. This affects variables, for example MyVar and myvar will point to the same variable.
-t --traditional Makes execution more like the one in traditional Logos but at the cost of lower performance. The following table summarizes differences between professional (default) and traditional executions.
Professional Traditional
Static scope of variables Dynamic scope of variables

System options are available only if the ADVANCED symbol is defined in globals.h, otherwise these options are not avaialable.

Short Long Description
-Za --Zassembler Prints generated assembly code.
-Zm --Zmemory Prints statistics about memory allocation balance. If there were no memory leaks, the output should be {MEM#0}.
-Zmad --Zmemory-all-details Prints detailed statistics about memory usage and memory balance. This is a table where for each type of atoms the number of allocated and deallocated number of atoms is printed, as well as the ballance for this atom type.
-Zrt --Zrun-time

Prints all evaluations done at runtime. All sources are printes in prefix full-parenthesized LISP notation. There are tree forms of prints: EVAL, EXEC and TODO.

  • EVAL (source) = value - printed after the evaluation of an expression
  • EXEC (source) - printed after the execution of a command or a function
  • TODO (source) - printed before the execution of user-defined command or function.

-Zt --Ztree Prints the abstract syntax tree of each parsed source fragment.
-Zv --Zvariables Prints a list of all (user and primitive) variables, functions and procedures.
-Zuv --Zuser-variables Prints a list of all user-defined variables, functions and procedures.
System options

Lhogho Developer's Documentation
Tue Feb 7 2012