Lhogho  0.0.027
Compilation, deployment, installation

This section describes how to build new releases of Lhogho sources, how to install a release, how to compile Lhogho and rebuild its documentation.

To build Lhogho you need the following tools: GCC (for the Lhogho compiler), DOXYGEN (for the Lhogho documentation), GZIP and TAR (for packaging and unpackaging releases).
In all code examples below ?.?.??? stands for the full release number (e.g. 0.0.005 )

Preparing a Developer's Release

A developer's release is a package containing all Lhogho sources (including the compiler and the documentation). The Developer's release does not include Lhogho binary or the HTML version of the documentation.

To prepare a new release first set the release version in file src/version. Then from the src folder execute:

make release

As a result three new files should appear in the folder:


The names of the files start with lhogho followed by the complete release number - a sequence of X.Y.ZZZ, where X is the major version number, Y is the minor version number and ZZZ is the build number.

The file lhogho.?.?.???.src.tar.gz is the Developer's release. It contains compiler and documentation sources needed to recompile Lhogho and regenerate its documentation.

The file lhogho.?.?.???.doc.tar.gz contains the Developer's Documentation in preprocessed HTML format. It is needed only if the documentation sources cannot be rebuilt with Doxygen. The Developer's Documentation in this package is platform independent.

The file lhogho.?.?.???.bin.tar.gz contains the binary (executable) of the Lhogho compiler along with one simple test source file. The binary file is strictly platform dependable. It is highly suggested to recompile Lhogho rather than to use a prebuilt binary.

Installing a release

Releases are deployed in the form of GZIPed TARred files. Provided that you have downloaded lhogho.?.?.???.src.tar.gz in an empty folder and this folder is your current folder, installation completes in this way:

gzip -d lhogho.?.?.???.src.tar.gz
tar -xf lhogho.?.?.???.src.tar

The commands above create a folder src containing all sources of the release. For a large number of operating systems it is possible to directly unpack the *.TAR.GZ file from the user interface.

Compiling Lhogho and its documentation

To compile Lhogho and generate its documentation (you need GCC and DOXYGEN) enter the source directory and execute make:

cd src
make clean all

As a result the executable lhogho.exe (for Windows/Cygwin) or lhogho (for Linux) is created in src/core/ and the HTML documentation is generated in doc/ folder.

Compiling only Lhogho

To compile only Lhogho (you need GCC) enter Lhogho's source directory and rebuild:

cd src/core
make clean all

As a result the executable lhogho.exe (for Windows/Cygwin) or lhogho (for Linux) is created in src/core/.

Compiling only Lhogho documentation

To compile only Lhogho documentation (you need DOXYGEN) enter Lhogho's documentation source directory and execute make:

cd src/doc

As a result the HTML documentation is generated in doc/ folder.


To clean all files which can be regenerated (Lhogho binary and/or HTML documentation) execute:

make clean

from the appropriate directory.

Installing documentation

In case it is neede to install preprocessed documentation, download the Developer's Documentation file lhogho.?.?.???.doc.tar.gz and unpack it similarily to how the Developer's Release is unpacked.

Compile defines

This section describes define symbols in the compiler's source which determine what functionality to include in the compiler. These defines are defined in globals.h file.

Compile debug defines

The globals.h file contains a set of define symbols which control what parts of the source code to compile. These defines are used for debugging purposes only. By default most of the defines are switched off. To use any of them remove the prefix no from the name.

Testing Lhogho

To compile only lhogho tester application (you need GCC) enter Lhogho's test directory and rebuild:

cd src/test
make clean all

As a result the executable lTester.exe (for Windows/Cygwin) or lTester (for Linux) is created in src/test/ folder.

Lhogho Developer's Documentation
Tue Feb 7 2012