Defines |
#define | RETURN(a) |
| used to return a value without GCC's tail-function optimizaiton
#define | GET_FLOAT(a, b) |
| convert input to floating point value and check for errors
#define | GET_INT(a, b) |
| convert input to integer number and check for errors
#define | GET_BOOLEAN(a, b) |
| convert input to boolean number and check for errors
#define | FASTRUNTIME(X) extern atom_t X __attribute__((used,noinline,regparm(0),stdcall)) |
| default attributes of special runtime functions
#define | RUNTIME(X) extern atom_t X __attribute__((used,noinline,regparm(0),cdecl)) |
| default attributes of runtime functions
Functions |
| FASTRUNTIME (rt_cmdchk(atom_t source, atom_t data)) |
| FASTRUNTIME (rt_funchk(atom_t source, atom_t data)) |
| FASTRUNTIME (rt_exprchk(atom_t source, atom_t data)) |
| FASTRUNTIME (rt_repchk(atom_t source, atom_t data)) |
| FASTRUNTIME (rt_whlchk(atom_t source, atom_t data)) |
| FASTRUNTIME (rt_makechk(atom_t source, atom_t data)) |
| FASTRUNTIME (rt_boolchk(atom_t source, atom_t data)) |
| FASTRUNTIME (rt_dump(atom_t source)) |
| FASTRUNTIME (rt_predump(atom_t source)) |
| FASTRUNTIME (rt_catchchk(int status, atom_t tag, atom_t data)) |
| FASTRUNTIME (rt_forchk(atom_t source, atom_t *step_var, atom_t step, atom_t to, atom_t from)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_print(atom_t pdl, atom_t pwl, atom_t fpp, int data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_plus(int count, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_minus(int count, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_div(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_mul(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_sum(int data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_difference(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_unminus(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_product(int data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_remainder(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_int(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_round(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_sqrt(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_power(atom_t power, atom_t base)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_exp(atom_t power)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_log10(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_ln(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_abs(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_pi(void)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_sin(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_radsin(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_cos(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_radcos(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_arctan(int count, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_radarctan(int count, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_equal(atom_t cip, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_nequal(atom_t cip, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_less(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_more(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_lesseq(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_moreeq(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_before(atom_t cip, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_and(int count)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_or(int count)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_not(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_first(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_butfirst(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_firsts(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_butfirsts(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_last(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_butlast(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_item(atom_t data, atom_t index)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_wordp(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_listp(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_numberp(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_empty(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_memberp(atom_t cip, atom_t data, atom_t elem)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_word(int data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_list(int data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_sent(int data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_fput(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_lput(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_count(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_char(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_ascii(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_lower(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_upper(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_member(atom_t cip, atom_t elem, atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_iseq(atom_t to, atom_t from)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_rseq(atom_t count, atom_t to, atom_t from)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_random(int count, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_rerandom(int count, atom_t seed)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_show(atom_t pdl, atom_t pwl, atom_t fpp, int data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_type(atom_t pdl, atom_t pwl, atom_t fpp, int data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_form(atom_t precision, atom_t width, atom_t num)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_format(atom_t format, atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_formattime(atom_t format, atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_timezone()) |
| RUNTIME (rt_bye(void)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_wait(atom_t time)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_ashift(atom_t bits, atom_t num)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_lshift(atom_t bits, atom_t num)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_bitand(int data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_bitor(int data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_bitxor(int data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_bitnot(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_if(int count)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_repeat(atom_t repcount, atom_t commands)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_while(atom_t condition, atom_t commands)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_until(atom_t condition, atom_t commands)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_dowhile(atom_t commands, atom_t condition)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_dountil(atom_t commands, atom_t condition)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_repcount(int repcount)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_forever(atom_t commands)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_make(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t value, atom_t name)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_name(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t value, atom_t name)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_local(int static_link, atom_t parent, int data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_output(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_maybeoutput(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_stop()) |
| RUNTIME (rt_ignore(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_for(atom_t body, atom_t limits, atom_t var)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_parse(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_runparse(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_definedp(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_primitivep(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_namep(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_procedurep(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_thing(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_reference(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_text(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_fulltext(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_run(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data, int mode)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_runresult(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_runmacro(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data, int mode)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_define(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t value, atom_t name)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_load(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_commandline()) |
| RUNTIME (rt_throw(int count, atom_t value, atom_t tag)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_catch(atom_t commands, atom_t tag)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_error()) |
| RUNTIME (rt_tag()) |
| RUNTIME (rt_goto(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data, atom_t source)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_test(atom_t condition, int frame)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_iftrue(atom_t commands)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_iffalse(atom_t commands)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_backslashedp(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_pick(atom_t list)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_remdup(atom_t cip, atom_t list)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_remove(atom_t cip, atom_t data, atom_t elem)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_reverse(atom_t list)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_rawascii(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_gensym()) |
| RUNTIME (rt_combine(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_quoted(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_substringp(atom_t cip, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_substring(atom_t cip, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_libload(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_libfree(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_blocksize(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t prototype)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_listtoblock(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t prototype, atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_blocktolist(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t prototype, atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_dataaddr(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_listintoblock(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t prototype, atom_t dest, atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_funcaddr(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_openfile(atom_t mode, atom_t filename, int call_mode)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_closefile(atom_t handle)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_readblock(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t size)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_readinblock(atom_t block, int call_mode)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_writeblock(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_external(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t handle, atom_t prototype, atom_t name)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_internal(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t prototype, atom_t name)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_int3()) |
| RUNTIME (rt_stackframe(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t offset, atom_t frame)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_stackframeatom(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t offset, atom_t frame)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_readchar(void)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_readchars(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_readrawline(void)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_readword(void)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_readlist(void)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_getenv(atom_t data)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_getenvs()) |
| RUNTIME (rt_eofp()) |
| RUNTIME (rt_currentfolder()) |
| RUNTIME (rt_makefolder(atom_t name)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_erasefolder(atom_t name)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_folderp(atom_t name)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_renamefolder(atom_t toname, atom_t fromname)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_folders(atom_t name)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_changefolder(atom_t name)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_files(atom_t name)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_erasefile(atom_t name)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_filep(atom_t name)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_renamefile(atom_t toname, atom_t fromname)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_filesize(atom_t name)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_filetimes(atom_t name)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_openread(atom_t name, int call_mode)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_openwrite(atom_t name, int call_mode)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_openappend(atom_t name, int call_mode)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_openupdate(atom_t name, int call_mode)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_setread(atom_t file)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_setwrite(atom_t file)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_reader()) |
| RUNTIME (rt_writer()) |
| RUNTIME (rt_allopen()) |
| RUNTIME (rt_closeall()) |
| RUNTIME (rt_readpos()) |
| RUNTIME (rt_setreadpos(atom_t pos)) |
| RUNTIME (rt_writepos()) |
| RUNTIME (rt_setwritepos(atom_t pos)) |
atom_t | __attribute__ ((used, noinline, regparm(0), stdcall)) rt_use_var(atom_t source |
atom_t | rt_var_value (int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t var) |
| searches var's value in the local stacks
void | init_runtime () |
| initializes the Runtime module
void | finit_runtime () |
| finalizes the Runtime module
Variables |
atom_t atom_t | value |
void int | count |