Lhogho  0.0.027
Defines | Functions | Variables
runtime.h File Reference


#define RETURN(a)
 used to return a value without GCC's tail-function optimizaiton
#define GET_FLOAT(a, b)
 convert input to floating point value and check for errors
#define GET_INT(a, b)
 convert input to integer number and check for errors
#define GET_BOOLEAN(a, b)
 convert input to boolean number and check for errors
#define FASTRUNTIME(X)   extern atom_t X __attribute__((used,noinline,regparm(0),stdcall))
 default attributes of special runtime functions
#define RUNTIME(X)   extern atom_t X __attribute__((used,noinline,regparm(0),cdecl))
 default attributes of runtime functions


 FASTRUNTIME (rt_cmdchk(atom_t source, atom_t data))
 FASTRUNTIME (rt_funchk(atom_t source, atom_t data))
 FASTRUNTIME (rt_exprchk(atom_t source, atom_t data))
 FASTRUNTIME (rt_repchk(atom_t source, atom_t data))
 FASTRUNTIME (rt_whlchk(atom_t source, atom_t data))
 FASTRUNTIME (rt_makechk(atom_t source, atom_t data))
 FASTRUNTIME (rt_boolchk(atom_t source, atom_t data))
 FASTRUNTIME (rt_dump(atom_t source))
 FASTRUNTIME (rt_predump(atom_t source))
 FASTRUNTIME (rt_catchchk(int status, atom_t tag, atom_t data))
 FASTRUNTIME (rt_forchk(atom_t source, atom_t *step_var, atom_t step, atom_t to, atom_t from))
 RUNTIME (rt_print(atom_t pdl, atom_t pwl, atom_t fpp, int data))
 RUNTIME (rt_plus(int count, atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_minus(int count, atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_div(atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_mul(atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_sum(int data))
 RUNTIME (rt_difference(atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_unminus(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_product(int data))
 RUNTIME (rt_remainder(atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_int(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_round(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_sqrt(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_power(atom_t power, atom_t base))
 RUNTIME (rt_exp(atom_t power))
 RUNTIME (rt_log10(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_ln(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_abs(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_pi(void))
 RUNTIME (rt_sin(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_radsin(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_cos(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_radcos(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_arctan(int count, atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_radarctan(int count, atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_equal(atom_t cip, atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_nequal(atom_t cip, atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_less(atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_more(atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_lesseq(atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_moreeq(atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_before(atom_t cip, atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_and(int count))
 RUNTIME (rt_or(int count))
 RUNTIME (rt_not(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_first(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_butfirst(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_firsts(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_butfirsts(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_last(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_butlast(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_item(atom_t data, atom_t index))
 RUNTIME (rt_wordp(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_listp(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_numberp(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_empty(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_memberp(atom_t cip, atom_t data, atom_t elem))
 RUNTIME (rt_word(int data))
 RUNTIME (rt_list(int data))
 RUNTIME (rt_sent(int data))
 RUNTIME (rt_fput(atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_lput(atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_count(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_char(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_ascii(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_lower(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_upper(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_member(atom_t cip, atom_t elem, atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_iseq(atom_t to, atom_t from))
 RUNTIME (rt_rseq(atom_t count, atom_t to, atom_t from))
 RUNTIME (rt_random(int count, atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_rerandom(int count, atom_t seed))
 RUNTIME (rt_show(atom_t pdl, atom_t pwl, atom_t fpp, int data))
 RUNTIME (rt_type(atom_t pdl, atom_t pwl, atom_t fpp, int data))
 RUNTIME (rt_form(atom_t precision, atom_t width, atom_t num))
 RUNTIME (rt_format(atom_t format, atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_formattime(atom_t format, atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_timezone())
 RUNTIME (rt_bye(void))
 RUNTIME (rt_wait(atom_t time))
 RUNTIME (rt_ashift(atom_t bits, atom_t num))
 RUNTIME (rt_lshift(atom_t bits, atom_t num))
 RUNTIME (rt_bitand(int data))
 RUNTIME (rt_bitor(int data))
 RUNTIME (rt_bitxor(int data))
 RUNTIME (rt_bitnot(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_if(int count))
 RUNTIME (rt_repeat(atom_t repcount, atom_t commands))
 RUNTIME (rt_while(atom_t condition, atom_t commands))
 RUNTIME (rt_until(atom_t condition, atom_t commands))
 RUNTIME (rt_dowhile(atom_t commands, atom_t condition))
 RUNTIME (rt_dountil(atom_t commands, atom_t condition))
 RUNTIME (rt_repcount(int repcount))
 RUNTIME (rt_forever(atom_t commands))
 RUNTIME (rt_make(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t value, atom_t name))
 RUNTIME (rt_name(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t value, atom_t name))
 RUNTIME (rt_local(int static_link, atom_t parent, int data))
 RUNTIME (rt_output(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_maybeoutput(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_stop())
 RUNTIME (rt_ignore(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_for(atom_t body, atom_t limits, atom_t var))
 RUNTIME (rt_parse(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_runparse(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_definedp(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_primitivep(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_namep(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_procedurep(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_thing(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_reference(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_text(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_fulltext(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_run(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data, int mode))
 RUNTIME (rt_runresult(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_runmacro(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data, int mode))
 RUNTIME (rt_define(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t value, atom_t name))
 RUNTIME (rt_load(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_commandline())
 RUNTIME (rt_throw(int count, atom_t value, atom_t tag))
 RUNTIME (rt_catch(atom_t commands, atom_t tag))
 RUNTIME (rt_error())
 RUNTIME (rt_tag())
 RUNTIME (rt_goto(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data, atom_t source))
 RUNTIME (rt_test(atom_t condition, int frame))
 RUNTIME (rt_iftrue(atom_t commands))
 RUNTIME (rt_iffalse(atom_t commands))
 RUNTIME (rt_backslashedp(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_pick(atom_t list))
 RUNTIME (rt_remdup(atom_t cip, atom_t list))
 RUNTIME (rt_remove(atom_t cip, atom_t data, atom_t elem))
 RUNTIME (rt_reverse(atom_t list))
 RUNTIME (rt_rawascii(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_gensym())
 RUNTIME (rt_combine(atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_quoted(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_substringp(atom_t cip, atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_substring(atom_t cip, atom_t data2, atom_t data1))
 RUNTIME (rt_libload(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_libfree(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_blocksize(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t prototype))
 RUNTIME (rt_listtoblock(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t prototype, atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_blocktolist(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t prototype, atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_dataaddr(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_listintoblock(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t prototype, atom_t dest, atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_funcaddr(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_openfile(atom_t mode, atom_t filename, int call_mode))
 RUNTIME (rt_closefile(atom_t handle))
 RUNTIME (rt_readblock(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t size))
 RUNTIME (rt_readinblock(atom_t block, int call_mode))
 RUNTIME (rt_writeblock(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_external(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t handle, atom_t prototype, atom_t name))
 RUNTIME (rt_internal(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t prototype, atom_t name))
 RUNTIME (rt_int3())
 RUNTIME (rt_stackframe(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t offset, atom_t frame))
 RUNTIME (rt_stackframeatom(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t offset, atom_t frame))
 RUNTIME (rt_readchar(void))
 RUNTIME (rt_readchars(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_readrawline(void))
 RUNTIME (rt_readword(void))
 RUNTIME (rt_readlist(void))
 RUNTIME (rt_getenv(atom_t data))
 RUNTIME (rt_getenvs())
 RUNTIME (rt_eofp())
 RUNTIME (rt_currentfolder())
 RUNTIME (rt_makefolder(atom_t name))
 RUNTIME (rt_erasefolder(atom_t name))
 RUNTIME (rt_folderp(atom_t name))
 RUNTIME (rt_renamefolder(atom_t toname, atom_t fromname))
 RUNTIME (rt_folders(atom_t name))
 RUNTIME (rt_changefolder(atom_t name))
 RUNTIME (rt_files(atom_t name))
 RUNTIME (rt_erasefile(atom_t name))
 RUNTIME (rt_filep(atom_t name))
 RUNTIME (rt_renamefile(atom_t toname, atom_t fromname))
 RUNTIME (rt_filesize(atom_t name))
 RUNTIME (rt_filetimes(atom_t name))
 RUNTIME (rt_openread(atom_t name, int call_mode))
 RUNTIME (rt_openwrite(atom_t name, int call_mode))
 RUNTIME (rt_openappend(atom_t name, int call_mode))
 RUNTIME (rt_openupdate(atom_t name, int call_mode))
 RUNTIME (rt_setread(atom_t file))
 RUNTIME (rt_setwrite(atom_t file))
 RUNTIME (rt_reader())
 RUNTIME (rt_writer())
 RUNTIME (rt_allopen())
 RUNTIME (rt_closeall())
 RUNTIME (rt_readpos())
 RUNTIME (rt_setreadpos(atom_t pos))
 RUNTIME (rt_writepos())
 RUNTIME (rt_setwritepos(atom_t pos))
atom_t __attribute__ ((used, noinline, regparm(0), stdcall)) rt_use_var(atom_t source
atom_t rt_var_value (int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t var)
 searches var's value in the local stacks
void init_runtime ()
 initializes the Runtime module
void finit_runtime ()
 finalizes the Runtime module


atom_t atom_t value
void int count

Define Documentation

#define RETURN (   a)
{ atom_t _res_ = (a);         \
    __asm__( " " );        \
    return (_res_);        \
#define GET_FLOAT (   a,
if( IS_ERROR(a) )       \
    RETURN( use(a) );         \
  if( !atom_to_float( a, &b ) )     \
    RETURN( new_error( ERROR_NOT_A_NUMBER, unbound ) )
#define GET_INT (   a,
{                                                    \
    if (IS_ERROR(a))                                    \
        RETURN(use(a));                \
    if (IS_INTEGER(a))                                     \
        b = INTEGER(a);                                    \
    else  \
    if (!atom_to_int(a, &b))                                \
        RETURN(new_error(ERROR_NOT_AN_INTEGER, unbound))     \
#define GET_BOOLEAN (   a,
{                                                           \
    if (IS_ERROR(a)) RETURN(use(a));             \
    if (a == false_true[0]) b = 0;                          \
    else if (a == false_true[0]) b = 1;                     \
    if (!atom_to_boolean(a, &b))                            \
        RETURN(new_error(ERROR_BOOLEAN_EXPECTED, unbound))   \
#define FASTRUNTIME (   X)    extern atom_t X __attribute__((used,noinline,regparm(0),stdcall))
#define RUNTIME (   X)    extern atom_t X __attribute__((used,noinline,regparm(0),cdecl))

Function Documentation

FASTRUNTIME ( rt_cmdchk(atom_t source, atom_t data)  )
FASTRUNTIME ( rt_funchk(atom_t source, atom_t data)  )
FASTRUNTIME ( rt_exprchk(atom_t source, atom_t data)  )
FASTRUNTIME ( rt_repchk(atom_t source, atom_t data)  )
FASTRUNTIME ( rt_whlchk(atom_t source, atom_t data)  )
FASTRUNTIME ( rt_makechk(atom_t source, atom_t data)  )
FASTRUNTIME ( rt_boolchk(atom_t source, atom_t data)  )
FASTRUNTIME ( rt_dump(atom_t source)  )
FASTRUNTIME ( rt_predump(atom_t source)  )
FASTRUNTIME ( rt_catchchk(int status, atom_t tag, atom_t data)  )
FASTRUNTIME ( rt_forchk(atom_t source, atom_t *step_var, atom_t step, atom_t to, atom_t from)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_print(atom_t pdl, atom_t pwl, atom_t fpp, int data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_plus(int count, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_minus(int count, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_div(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_mul(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_sum(int data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_difference(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_unminus(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_product(int data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_remainder(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_int(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_round(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_sqrt(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_power(atom_t power, atom_t base)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_exp(atom_t power)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_log10(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_ln(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_abs(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_pi(void )
RUNTIME ( rt_sin(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_radsin(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_cos(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_radcos(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_arctan(int count, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_radarctan(int count, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_equal(atom_t cip, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_nequal(atom_t cip, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_less(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_more(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_lesseq(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_moreeq(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_before(atom_t cip, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_and(int count )
RUNTIME ( rt_or(int count )
RUNTIME ( rt_not(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_first(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_butfirst(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_firsts(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_last(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_butlast(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_item(atom_t data, atom_t index)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_wordp(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_listp(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_numberp(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_empty(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_memberp(atom_t cip, atom_t data, atom_t elem)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_word(int data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_list(int data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_sent(int data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_fput(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_lput(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_count(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_char(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_ascii(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_lower(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_upper(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_member(atom_t cip, atom_t elem, atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_iseq(atom_t to, atom_t from)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_random(int count, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_rerandom(int count, atom_t seed)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_show(atom_t pdl, atom_t pwl, atom_t fpp, int data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_type(atom_t pdl, atom_t pwl, atom_t fpp, int data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_form(atom_t precision, atom_t width, atom_t num)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_format(atom_t format, atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_formattime(atom_t format, atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_wait(atom_t time)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_ashift(atom_t bits, atom_t num)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_lshift(atom_t bits, atom_t num)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_bitand(int data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_bitor(int data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_bitxor(int data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_bitnot(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_if(int count )
RUNTIME ( rt_repeat(atom_t repcount, atom_t commands)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_while(atom_t condition, atom_t commands)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_until(atom_t condition, atom_t commands)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_dowhile(atom_t commands, atom_t condition)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_dountil(atom_t commands, atom_t condition)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_repcount(int repcount)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_forever(atom_t commands)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_make(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t value, atom_t name)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_name(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t value, atom_t name)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_local(int static_link, atom_t parent, int data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_output(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_stop()  )
RUNTIME ( rt_ignore(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_for(atom_t body, atom_t limits, atom_t var)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_parse(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_runparse(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_definedp(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_primitivep(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_namep(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_procedurep(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_thing(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_reference(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_text(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_fulltext(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_run(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data, int mode)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_runresult(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_runmacro(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data, int mode)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_define(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t value, atom_t name)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_load(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_catch(atom_t commands, atom_t tag)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_error()  )
RUNTIME ( rt_tag()  )
RUNTIME ( rt_goto(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data, atom_t source)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_test(atom_t condition, int frame)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_iftrue(atom_t commands)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_iffalse(atom_t commands)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_pick(atom_t list)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_remdup(atom_t cip, atom_t list)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_remove(atom_t cip, atom_t data, atom_t elem)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_reverse(atom_t list)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_rawascii(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_gensym()  )
RUNTIME ( rt_combine(atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_quoted(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_substringp(atom_t cip, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_substring(atom_t cip, atom_t data2, atom_t data1)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_libload(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_libfree(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_blocksize(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t prototype)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_listtoblock(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t prototype, atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_blocktolist(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t prototype, atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_dataaddr(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_listintoblock(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t prototype, atom_t dest, atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_funcaddr(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_openfile(atom_t mode, atom_t filename, int call_mode)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_closefile(atom_t handle)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_readblock(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t size)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_readinblock(atom_t block, int call_mode)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_external(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t handle, atom_t prototype, atom_t name)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_internal(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t prototype, atom_t name)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_int3()  )
RUNTIME ( rt_stackframe(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t offset, atom_t frame)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_stackframeatom(int static_link, atom_t parent, atom_t offset, atom_t frame)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_getenv(atom_t data)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_eofp()  )
RUNTIME ( rt_folderp(atom_t name)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_renamefolder(atom_t toname, atom_t fromname)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_folders(atom_t name)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_files(atom_t name)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_filep(atom_t name)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_renamefile(atom_t toname, atom_t fromname)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_filesize(atom_t name)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_openread(atom_t name, int call_mode)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_openwrite(atom_t name, int call_mode)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_openappend(atom_t name, int call_mode)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_openupdate(atom_t name, int call_mode)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_setread(atom_t file)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_setwrite(atom_t file)  )
RUNTIME ( rt_reader()  )
RUNTIME ( rt_writer()  )
atom_t __attribute__ ( (used, noinline, regparm(0), stdcall)  )
atom_t rt_var_value ( int  static_link,
atom_t  parent,
atom_t  var 
varthe variable
static_linkstatic link from the current frame
parentcurrent parent
the value of the variable

This function looks for the value of a variable, somewhere in a stack frame. If the variable is global do not scan the stack.


So far nothing to be initialized


Deallocates all names of unclosed files and closes them.


Variable Documentation

void int count

Lhogho Developer's Documentation
Tue Feb 7 2012